We are Stone Lifestyle, this is our website available at stonelifestyle.co.za, and these are our legal terms, including our:

  • Terms of use - which you agree to by visiting this website;
  • Terms of sale - which you agree to by checking a check box when you place an order through this website; and
  • Privacy policy - which you agree to by checking a check box when you submit your personal information through this website and apply when you visit this website.

We may change any of these terms at any time by updating this web page.

If you have any questions about our legal terms, please contact us.

Terms of use

  1. Licence. We grant you a limited licence to use this website.
  2. Breach. We may cancel your licence if you breach any of these terms.
  3. Framing. You may not frame this website.
  4. Capacity. You agree to the terms on the basis that you have the capacity to visit this website.
  5. Accurate information. You promise that you will give this website only accurate information.
  6. Ownership. We or our third party licensors own all rights in this website.
  7. Trade marks. All our trade marks are our property and you may not use them without our permission. All other trade marks are their respective owners' property.
  8. Restrictions. You may not change, hire out, reverse engineer, or copy this website without our permission.
  9. Own risk. You use this website at your own risk and we make no warranties about it.
  10. Indemnity. You indemnify us against any liability related to your use of this website.
  11. Direct damages limited. Our maximum liability to you for all claims for direct damages related to this website is R100.
  12. Indirect damages. We will never be responsible for any indirect damages.

Terms of sale


When you make a sales enquiry, please check all the details carefully, delivery address, product and colour, contact details. Let us know immediately if there are any errors. Unfortunately, no product can be exchanged if delivered according to the pro-forma invoice. The client must ensure that the documentation supplied by Stone Lifestyle reflects the correct product and colour before the payment is made. Receipt of your payment implies acceptance of our written offer subject to the terms and conditions as published on this website.

PRICE: The price payable is the ruling price at the time of dispatch of goods.

CONDITIONS OF SALE: Your order implies your acceptance of these terms and conditions


Electronic transfer or Card

Electronic Transfers may take up to 3 working days to reflect on our bank statements if the transaction is between different banks.

The date of order will be considered as the date on which your payment reflects on our bank statement or when funds are cleared.


Claims will only be considered if the installation of the stone was done according to SABS specifications. Stone Lifestyle reserves the right to use an independent source to investigate claims and installation methods used. Where a contractor purchases reject and first grade stone for the same project no claims will be entertained as there cannot be differentiated between reject and 1st grade once installed.


  • There will be a 30% handling fee on Cancelled Orders
  • No Refunds after 7 Days
  • No Refunds on Natural Stone Products / Custom / Special order items – so please ensure that the color and quantities are correct before placing the order.
  • No Refunds on Damaged/Reject or Used stock

    Due to the nature of the product, please accept that breakages will occur during the normal transportation of goods from the factory to the site. Allow the following breakage percentages:
    Stone up to 5%
    No breakage claims will be accepted for breakages falling within the above limits.
    DELIVERY LEAD TIMES: Stone Lifestyle will endeavor to do all deliveries as soon as possible.
    Please note however that delivery lead times are subject to availability of product, trucks, weather conditions and receipt of payment.

    To avoid problems, we do need contact details of a responsible person on your site.
    Offloading will be done by hand next to the vehicle – should you require crane truck – crane truck delivery rates will apply (crane truck can only be sent if a 10-ton+ truck is allowed into the Estate)
    Stone can only be offloaded on a level area, next to the truck.
  • Trucks may NOT enter customer's property or offload over boundary walls or fences, unless the customer agrees in writing. Should this be required, it is then done at customer's own risk, and Stone Lifestyle cannot be held responsible for resulting damages to buildings, paving, gates, fences or any other property or person.

    By signing the delivery note, you (The customer) agree that your order has been offloaded / received in good condition and that you are satisfied with the condition of the product(s). Any additional transportation / movement of your products after you signed the delivery note, will be your sole responsibility and Stone Lifestyle accepts no responsibility whatsoever, thereafter.


    It is the responsibility of the customer to notify our Sales Person (at the time of purchase) of any difficulties to access the delivery site. This includes panhandles, small pavements, poor road conditions, steep slopes dead ends, etc. If in doubt please contact us. Ensure that there is enough space for the load.

    Should you live in a security complex or estate, please advise our Sales Person of the policies of the complex relating to acceptable truck sizes, labour, delivery days and delivery times. Delivery charges will not be refunded if a delivery cannot be done due to problems at the customer's site. A new delivery charge will be due for a repeat delivery of a returned consignment.


    Due to the nature of our industry and products, it is possible that products can get dirty occasionally. Customers may find that the bottom layers of Stone in the packs are soiled due to dust or mud. It is a generally accepted practice for contractors to clean Stone thoroughly after placement. This practice will rid the stone of dirt and dust that has accumulated during storage, transportation and on site. Claims for soiled products will therefore not be accepted.

    Stone is a Natural product and Colour /sizes/thickness variation will occur with every batch – this is the nature of the stone and cannot be selected

    Efflorescence - This is due to dissolved salts in the cement and aggregates migrating to the surface and forming a white crystalline layer, which is soluble in dilute acid. Efflorescence is influenced by rain with subsequent drying. This may affect the colour of bricks and pavers, but can be removed by washing with diluted hydrochloric acid. 1 Part acid mixed with 20 parts water. (Pool acid can be used if it is hydrochloric acid.) Stone Lifestyle does not accept responsibility for the occurrence of efflorescence on its products, or treatment thereof.


    Customers are required to present their delivery note/ Order Number, which will be issued by the dispatch office at the time of collection of goods.

    Stone Lifestyle will not assume responsibility for any damage to customer's or their contractor's vehicles, trailers or injuries to staff while collecting products at the Stone Lifestyle, regardless whether Stone Lifestyle staff and equipment are used to load or not. Customers or their contractors enter the Stone Lifestyle site entirely at their own risk.

    When a customer uses another person or contractor to do the collection on their behalf, an arrangement must be made with the dispatch office beforehand.

    The collection slip must state clearly the customer's details, who the driver is, which product and what quantity is being collected.

    No Claim will be accepted once collection vehicle leaves the collection site.

    We load free of charge.

    Collection hours: Monday to Thursday 08;30 to16:00, Fridays 08:30 to 14:00
  • Introduction. These terms cover any transactions where we provide goods to you through this website.
  • The parties. We are the vendor under these terms. You are the customer under these terms.
  • Duration. These terms commence when you accept them and continue until terminated.
  • Orders. You place orders with us on the following basis:
    • you promise that you have the legal capacity to enter into the transaction;
    • we only conclude an agreement when we dispatch our goods to you;
    • we may cancel any order, but we will refund any money you have paid if we do;
    • we conclude an agreement where you are domiciled; and
    • each order is a separate agreement, but you breach all of them if you breach one.
  • Goods. We sell the goods to you on the following basis:
    • you will bear the cost and we will choose the way of packaging and delivering the goods unless agreed otherwise;
    • we will do our best to dispatch the goods as soon as possible after you have placed an order, but we are not liable and you may not cancel an order if we do not do so timeously;
    • risks related to the goods pass to you on delivery;
    • ownership in the goods passes to you on payment of the fees in full; and
    • you have the same rights against us as we have against our suppliers in terms of any warranty attached to the goods or imposed by law.
  • Your data. You own all your data. When you enter your data into the system, you give us a licence to use it to provide the goods. We are not responsible for any of your data stored on our system.
  • Intellectual property. We may own intellectual property rights in our goods and you may not use those rights without our permission. We may prosecute you for any violations of our proprietary rights.
  • Disclaimer. We disclaim all warranties to the extent allowed by applicable law. We are not liable for any defect that you cause.
  • Fees and payment. You will pay us the fees on the due date. You may not withhold payment of any amount due to us for any reason.
  • Direct damages limited. We are only liable to you for any direct damages that the goods may cause up to the total amount of fees that you have paid us for them.
  • Indirect damages excluded. We are not liable for any other losses that they may cause you.
  • Breach. Please don't breach your obligations under this agreement. If you do, we have certain rights against you in terms of the law.
  • Termination. We may need to terminate this agreement immediately under certain unlikely circumstances, including if we discontinue the goods, believe providing the goods could burden or pose a risk to us, have to terminate to comply with a law, or providing the goods has become impractical. If we need to, we will give you as much notice as possible in writing.
  • Resolving disputes. We want to avoid disputes about this agreement and resolve them as quickly as possible. But if there is one, either party may inform the other of it in writing. The parties must first try to negotiate to end the dispute, then enter into mediation if negotiation fails, and finally go to arbitration if mediation fails.
  • Notices and domicile. We want to communicate with you effectively about this agreement. For this reason, the parties will send all notices to each others' email addresses and choose their respective street addresses as their service addresses for all legal documents, but they may change either address on 14 calendar days written notice to the other.
  • Force majeure. Things may happen that prevent you or us from complying with each of our obligations under this agreement. Neither party is responsible for breach of this agreement caused by circumstances beyond its control, but the other party may cancel the agreement on written notice to the other if the circumstances persist for more than 60 calendar days.
  • Entire agreement. The agreement is the entire agreement between the parties on the subject.
  • Changes. If we change this agreement by updating this web page, any changes will only apply to future orders.
  • Governing law. South African law governs this agreement.
  • Jurisdiction. You consent to the jurisdiction of the Magistrate's Court